Make something beautiful in June: Week 2

What kind of creativity brings you joy? Gardening, cooking, drawing, writing? Maybe it’s baking or woodworking. There is something, beautiful someone. And you know what? Maybe it isn’t a traditional creative pursuit. Making something beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean creating art or having a unique idea.

Maybe you lose yourself solving a problem at work. Or resolving a dispute between two people in your chosen family. Making a difference in your community is creating beauty. So is trying a new, out-of-the-box solution to a annoying problem. Or encouraging someone who’s feeling despair…all these and more create beauty in the world.

And here’s the thing: when we make something beautiful, joy can be the only result.

To get the week started, below are a handful of the best quotes I could find on this topic. See you next week!


#creativity #creativityfound #creativityeveryday #creativityatitsbest #beautify #beautifying #beautifyou