See what’s possible in July, Week 3: Strong in the broken places

I tried writing this week’s post three times. Couldn’t do it. The kitten needed spaying. My teeth needed cleaning. My closet needed organizing. And a million other things that come up when I’m supposed to be writing, and I’m just not ready.

But then, I remembered a story scribbled in a notebook that I had tossed onto the top shelf of the closet. Funny, those million things just weren’t important anymore. I yanked the closet door open and rummaged around the top shelf, empty hangers raining down on my head til I found the notebook.

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See what’s possible in July, Week 2: The law of attraction

The 2007 runaway bestseller, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne drew both fierce devotees (who thought of it as a kind of magic) and fierce detractors (who called it pseudoscience). The book’s premise is that there is a great secret available to anyone — a type of energy that attracts everything that we want if we know how to harness it.

Like most breakout ideas, it has some validity, and the book makes important points. There actually is science to support the idea that we “live into” what we focus on. Essentially, when we believe something is possible, we start to see it showing up in our lives. Read More

“It’s amazing what love can do”

Please enjoy this excerpt from my new book:
You, Beautiful: Getting gorgeous from the inside out.

Coming soon!

No time to read? Listen here!

When we say someone loves themselves, it’s not a compliment. Just the opposite. Loving yourself is being self-involved, selfish. It’s embarrassing to be described this way.

“It’s amazing what love can do”

It can be more socially acceptable to put ourselves down so other people can be comfortable (honestly though, if that’s what it takes to make the people around us comfortable, we need new people). Read More

Be kind to yourself

Please enjoy this excerpt from my new book:
You, Beautiful: Getting gorgeous from the inside out.

Coming soon!

Blossie’s Books started with journal entries, just pages of scribbles and reflections about my life: a young marriage, his infidelity, then divorce. Remarriage, infertility, miscarriages, then one day, two beautiful babies.

Working for other people, then myself as I built a business up from nothing. Employees came and went. I held on by my fingernails through hard times. I’ve had $5.62 to my name, been financially comfortable, and literally everything in between.

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