In February, let’s create a ripple or two

We’re not as independent as we think!

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Early in his career, salesman Joe Girard created his “Law of 250” which says that every person knows on average 250 other people. In his world, that meant that a positive sales experience for one customer had the potential to yield 250 more. So he’d gain not only that relationship, but access to every relationship that person had, their entire network of contacts and friends.

And it worked: through positive word of mouth, Girard became the Guinness Book of World Records greatest retail salesperson in the world, a title he held for 12 consecutive years.

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The best way out is through

Please enjoy this excerpt from my next Blossie @work book:
Keep Cool in Hot Situations…at Work! 

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If you sometimes struggle with handling conflicts at work, keep two things in mind:

First, so does everyone else, especially on days when we’re rushed or not feeling strong. On these days, all someone has to do is say the wrong thing, and we’re reacting before we even realize it.

Second, the impulse to “do anything” to end a conflict is normal. Who wouldn’t want to avoid the stress?

But when avoidance isn’t an option, stay confident and empowered by embracing your own accountability—a true power move. Respond to conflict with phrases like: “No worries, I’ve got it,” “Happy to take that on,” or “That happened on my watch,” like these examples: Read More

Make something beautiful in June: beautiful ground

In 1950, Detroit, Michigan was home to the biggest car companies in the world including Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors. At the time, the “Motor City” was the fourth largest city in the U.S. after New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. But as auto companies decentralized manufacturing far and wide, Detroit’s population decreased — in 2021 it had slipped from fourth to 27th — and with that decline went the city’s tax base.

Not only did car manufacturing leave, but so did all the tax-paying businesses that support a vibrant working community, including food stores, banks, Read More

Make something beautiful in June: Week 2

What kind of creativity brings you joy? Gardening, cooking, drawing, writing? Maybe it’s baking or woodworking. There is something, beautiful someone. And you know what? Maybe it isn’t a traditional creative pursuit. Making something beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean creating art or having a unique idea.

Maybe you lose yourself solving a problem at work. Or resolving a dispute between two people in your chosen family. Making a difference in your community is creating beauty. So is trying a new, out-of-the-box solution to a annoying problem. Or encouraging someone who’s feeling despair…all these and more create beauty in the world.

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Make something beautiful in June

“And since all this loveliness cannot be Heaven,
I know in my heart it is June.”

– Abba Woolson

June comes bearing many gifts. Here in the northeast, it’s finally sunny and warm again. Roses and peonies are blooming and strawberries are ripening. We’re planning vacations and sitting poolside.

Surrounded by this gorgeous bounty, I hope we’re inspired to create something beautiful ourselves.

Maybe we plant a single rosebush. Or an entire garden.

Cook a beautiful meal for people we love with unique dishes–in colors, textures, and tastes we’ve never tried before.

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