The best way out is through

Please enjoy this excerpt from my next Blossie @work book:
Keep Cool in Hot Situations…at Work! 

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If you sometimes hear yourself giving in to unhealthy compromise or blame-shifting at work, keep two things in mind:

First, so does everyone else, especially on days when we’re rushed or not feeling strong. On these days, all someone has to do is say the wrong thing, and we’re reacting before we even realize it.

Second, the impulse to “do anything” to get out of a stressful conflict is normal. Who wouldn’t want to avoid the stress of a conflict?

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Introducing: Keep Cool in Hot Situations…at Work!

Please enjoy this excerpt from my next Blossie @work book:
Keep Cool in Hot Situations…at Work! Coming this July(-ish) 😊!

headphonesNo time to read? Listen here!

On a warm, sunny morning, you drive to work, listening to your favorite music and thinking about the day ahead. Feeling focused and positive, you arrive at your job and settle in, sipping your coffee and planning the morning.

Then the phone rings, or you read your email, or someone stops by, and suddenly things take a radical turn.

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Courage to create

Please enjoy this excerpt from Braving It, one of my absolute favorite books. You gotta read the whole thing…there’s so much in here about living boldly and freely! This post is from the chapter: “Create your joy”

“Creativity takes courage,” said master French painter Henri Matisse. It definitely does take courage to dance and sing and paint when we feel like we can’t. We don’t know how, and even if we do, we’re not “good” at it. One look at the stores on Etsy, at what people are creating, or anyone whose work is on display at a gallery or museum, or dancers online or on stage is enough to stop us. We could never…

But, beautiful someone, we can.

Yeah, we can

We can move our feet to music. We can open our mouths and make sounds to musical notes. We can put pencil to paper and draw lines. We can look through the lens of a camera, find a gritty urban scene, and capture it in a compelling composition. Read More