Let’s see what we think

Please enjoy this excerpt from the Introduction to The Becoming Journal!

There’s something really wonderful about putting our thoughts on paper where we can see them. Writing slows us down and gives us time to think. Intuition and random thoughts start joining into vivid pictures until all of a sudden, we see new connections, aha’s!, and fresh ideas.

Kind of like turning a sweater inside out so we can finally see the tag that’s been itching us, putting a vague idea that’s been drifting around in our heads down on paper gets it out where we can see it. In the light of day, it may look amazing; it may not. Either way, writing it down gives us power over what happens next.

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Dream your dream

Your dreams are one of the truest parts of you.

To have the energy and passion you need for any dream, it’s got to be first and foremost about what you want to bring into your life. It’s easy to get distracted by what other people think, even people we love and care about, or even by what the headlines say.

We tend to listen too hard to other people’s ideas about what we should and shouldn’t try or what we’re good at or how we should spend our time and lives. We take the headlines too seriously and immediately apply them to ourselves, when they don’t.

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Nothing is more powerful than why

Beautiful someone, please enjoy this powerful excerpt from my book, Dream Come True…and Happy Spring!


When we focus on “why,” “how” takes care of itself.

Ask anyone who’s done the impossible why they did it, what gave them the energy to push past the roadblocks and frustrations, the destructive doubts and difficult people, and chances are you’ll hear about a personal passion, a clear reason they had to achieve this particular goal.

They couldn’t give up because they needed to support a family.

They had to prove to themselves they were worth something more.

They wanted to experience life at its highest and most fulfilling.

And so reaching for the goal wasn’t just about using their head and their hands. It was about using their heart. The “how” ended up taking a backseat to the “why.” Read More

Out of the question!

The first Blossie @work! book…coming in February 2021!

Questions shape our thoughts and actions because our brains immediately begin to think of answers to any question we’re asked.

With this kind of power, we need to be exquisitely careful about the questions we ask. When these questions are negative and uninspiring…

  1. “Why does this always have to happen?”
  2. “Why is business so heartless?”
  3. “Why can’t they just leave well enough alone?”
  4. “Can’t they just stop demanding so much from me?”
  5. “Why doesn’t he just do it himself?”

…our minds are on the lookout for answers: “You know why this always happens?  Because no one really cares” or “Because business is always just about the money.”

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